A (1929 – 1970)

…Arab community would again become a large majority [?] infiltration from neighboring Arab lands, which is constantly taking place, [?] by Jewish-created economic often [?] in Palestine. e) The present Jewish Agency has sadly demonstrated its inability to guide the Jewish development in Palestine. It ought to resign and make…

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…letter has appeared. N. tov [?], I should soon be receiving a copy. Dear Ellis, I wonder if you could give me an exact description where the EI site was which you found near Ami Sudeisal [?]. I do not mean the little fortress itself, but I refer to an…

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Burrows (1931 – 1947)

thereabouts, a [?] or editor might early confine it with the [?] on the Euphrates. Of course the Bela’ ben Be’or of Gen. 36 was an Edomite – I don’t at the moment see any exploration of that, though it has been suggested that I regarded Balaan as an Ammonite,…

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ASOR (1939 – 1951)

…now [?] as a favour for [?] pounds. So of course it is ideal to live at the School if you have a family of seven people and two dogs, and are charged only LP 15 a month, and have a garden and a garage and every convenience. In the

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…and television interviews I had on June 8 in Los Angeles, one of them conducted by none other than Commander Whitehead of Schweppes drinks fame. How he came to be interviewing me, I still do not know. The streets of Jerusalem are comparatively empty, with most of the men between…

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M (1932 – 1945)

…in force – namely that the Oriental Institute would publish your Corpus upon its completion. I have just received a reply that the original proposition stands and that he hopes you will soon complete the work. He was very glad that the American Schools were interested in this matter and…

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E (1939 – 1947)

…III is of course your best analogy for Ezion-geber, but whether you want to use it in the same way that you used Guy’s IV gate seems doubtful in view of differences in date which must now be recognized. The comparison [outline] certainly to be made, but with regard to…

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…Bir-Zeit, and Jifreh are suffering from the repeated ersets [?] of the bands, who force contributions of food, money, and rifles. The bands speak of these villages as Ramalleh = Bagrah Hallandiyeh (gives a lot of milk). Bir-Zeit = [Bagrah] Beirutiyeh (gives less milk). Jifreh = [Bagrah] Baladiyeh (least milk)….

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