…Esther E. Johnson, American Junior College, Beirut, Miss Mary L. Wicher, Tripoli Girls’ School, Tripoli, Syria, Dr. Kenneth M. Monroe, Biola, Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Conard Sandy, Western Bible College, Los Angeles, Caif., Mr. and Mrs. George Keongh, Advent House, Jerusalem, Mr. Pierre Crabites, American Judge of the Mixed Tribunals…

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Burrows (1931 – 1947)

…us from the 1929 appropriation $12,500 for current expenses and $189,418.86 for endowment, a total of $201,918.86. The new plan cancels the outstanding $12,500 for current expenses and appropriates $185,000 instead of $201,918.86. Since, however, we shall now have to raise only $75,000 instead of $150,000 to receive the $150,000…

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EXPLORE BY MONTH June | July | August | October | December —1967— —June— *Jerusalem, Thursday, June 15, 1967 The El Al plane, Flight # 212, that I was on, left New York City at 9:30 p.m. Sunday night, June 11, 1967. It was about one-third empty because a number…

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ASOR (1939 – 1951)

…years each of them has served: Geetze (3), F.C. Grant (3), Ingholt (1), Jeffery (3), Kraeling (3 &1), Meek (6), Waterman (3). I should say that at least one or two of those who have served for three years should be replaced this time, though there is not one of…

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Magnes, Judah (1932 – 1947)

…Jaffa Hospital Oct. 43 & expenses 16.400 “ “ Jaffa Hospital Nov. 43 & expenses 17.100 “ “ Jaffa Hospital Dec. 43 & expenses 17.350 March, 16, 1944 LP. 119 Jaffa Hospital Jan. 43 & expenses 18.750 51 Jaffa Hospital Feb. 43 & ** 21.300 **hospitalization & special treatment at…

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M (1932 – 1945)

…el-Bleibil Betonim- Khirbet Batneh Bezer- Umm el-‘Amad ?? Debir (Lo-debar)-Umm el-Dabar Edrei- Der’a Elealeh- -el-‘Al Ham- Ham Heshbon- Hesban Jabesh-gilead- Tell Abu Kharaz and Tell el-Meqbereh Jahaz- Khirbet et-Teim ?? Jogbehah- Jubeihat Kamon- Qamm Karnaim- Sheikh Sa’d Kedemoth- ez-Za’feran Kir-hareseth- el-Kerak Madmen- Khirbet Dimneh Mahanaim- Tell er-Reheil? Mattanah- Khirbet el-Medeiyineh?…

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…but if he is able to, more power to him, or “kol ha-kavod,” as they say here, (“All honor” to him). Present also were Mrs. Anna Ticho, the famous artist, Ruth Melamede, our architect, and a Mrs. Trude Goth, a journalist who lives in New York City, has a Hungarian-Australian-Italian…

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S (1929 – 1953)

…Cypriote Iron Age of the concentric circles as free elements of decoration. This is G:s “III-style” characterizing his period Cypro-Geometric III. (For comparison see Swed. Cypr. Exp. Vol. II, Plates, Pls. XCIV:12’ XCV:3,4; CIV: 3-5.) The “Black on Red” small globular juglets (See e.g. Albright’s Tell Beit Mirsim publication in…

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