January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
January 2
Note that school was entertained and entertained Kufon[?] of Mosque Museum. Note that Imam is one of our students.
January 6
I lectured at the Rotary Club.
January 11
School commenced.
January 14
Dr. Willoughby, U. of Chicago arrived.
January 15
School visited house of Sheikh Jacob Bukhari, Director of the Takkiyeh Nachohelondiyeh (National Geographic Magazine Dec. 1927) [sic].
Mr. Norman Bentwich arrived to stay for a month.
January 15
Received permission from T.J. for Tannur and Khaleifi.
January 21
Palestine Branch of University Women met at director’s house.
January 21
Maisler brought materials from Sheikh Alreik to work up here; we have given him two tables down stairs.
January 25
Professor H.R. Willoughby of the University of Chicago gave us a lecture on his book.
January 27
Sir Flinders and Lady [Karrehissar] Petrie return to school to stay here.
January 28
Gordon Loud of Megiddo called.
January 28
Third meeting of this year of the P.O.S., the second one at the school. R.P.F.M. Alol, O.P. on Afrabala – Forbelet [?]. E.L. Sukerick – A Tomb in the Kidem Valley. Miss Rosenthal continuing to help Fisher on his Pottery Corpus. She deserves much credit.
January 29
Kess read paper on “Jerusalem.”
February 1
The rainfall has been continuous. Both cisterns are filled for the first time in the history of the schools. We are shutting off the city water and using only our cistern water. We have left the rain pipes open. There is a great amount of leaking from the roofs, and the water is seeping in around the foundations.
February 5
School went to Arata and Ain Faia.
February 6
Miss Stevens left because school is full.
February 7
School went to Bethel and Ai.
February 10
School went to Hebron (Oaks of Mamre) and Beersheba.
February 14
School went to Tell ed-Suweir (Lachish).
February 15
Nichols read a paper on “Mineral Deposits in Near East.”
February 18
Samaria and Shechem Trip. Had intended going on to Megiddo, but terrific rain-storm came up, and forced me to turn back just as we had gotten to the tip of the Samaria Hill. We visited Shechem and Jacob’s well en route.
February 20
Professor Dr. Axel W. Persson, Archeological Institute of the University of Upsala, called.
February 21
Miss Putnam [?] read excellent paper on Prehistoric Discoveries in Palestine.
February 25
Palestine Oriental Society met here again.
February 28
Kh-et-Tannur (see main notes on Kh.et-Tannur.) [sic].
March 12
Returned from Khirbet et-Tannur [sic]
Mr. and Mrs. Crowfoot arrived, putting them up at Annual Professor’s house. Lankester Harding staying as my guest. Mr. Pape has been staying here some time. Mrs. Fleishman visited with Miss Cohen; gave a dinner party for them.
March 13
School went to Jeresh, Amman, Madeba, Mt. Nebo in a 2 day trip today.
March 14
Mr. and Mrs. Crowfoot arrive. Professor and Mrs. Olmstead and family.
March 15
Harding, who has been staying as my guest, leaves.
March 16
Olmsteads leave for Egypt.
March 16
Willoughby left, presenting the school with his “The Form Gospels of Korahissar.”
March 17
School went to Praetorium (Antonia) [sic] with Pere Vincent. Olmsteads left for Egypt.
March 18
Museum photographing our finds. Lady Petrie giving a tea for her daughter Anna.
Returned from Megiddo, where Gordon Loud has been making some remarkable ivory and gold finds of the 14th century; we had lunch there. Shipton and Hartman (?) [sic] are there also. Helen was with me. We spent Friday night in Haifa, having dinner with the Bardins.
March 25
School went to Nebi Samuel, Kububeh under direction of Graham. Museum has photographed our objects for us from Kh.Tannur. Fisher has drawn the vessels which we brought back thus far.
March 27
Dr. and Mrs. Bemry of Russell Sage College, Troy, N.Y. arrived.
March 28
Tea at Mr. and Mrs. Colt of Ioleita [?] dig. Hershberger left. Baley and Colt called to see Kh. Tannur finds. Donald and Margarete Storm of N.Y.C here for supper.
March 29
School left with Fisher for Hebron (Mosque) Beit-Jebrin, Ain-Shems. Pere Vincent has been helping me with zodiac. I gave squeezes to Pere Sorigni. Dr. Schwabe has been given squeezes of the Andus Ameps inscription.
March 29
Gertrude Caton Thomas called and looked at et-Tannur materials. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen arrived at lunch time. They were going to attend summer school last summer.
March 30
Ylias left for Kh. Et-Tannur to set up the tents.
March 31
Fisher, Pape, and I left for Kh. Et- Tannur. Spent the night at Kerak.
April 19
Returned to Jerusalem. I fired Najib and Miriam on April 1, giving both 2 weeks notice. Dr. M. A. Murray had returned from Petra by the time I got back.
April 20
Anna Fuller arrived for a few days stay. Our gardener Ibrahim, left for Italy for 10 days, to act as guard of a deported mad man.
April 21
Graham gave a lecture to the Rotary Club of Jerusalem on Kh. Et-Tannur.
April 22
Harding gave a lecture to the P.O.S. on Kh. Et- Tannur. Miss Murray left. Petries agreed to let me have Pape for month of April, requiring me to pay only his board bill. We are spending about 35 pounds fixing matresses and springs. I got a summons to appear at police-court in Naples on May 3, for speeding.
April 24
Graham and family leaving tomorrow.
May 2
Left for Transjordan.
May 12
Returned from Transjordan. Olmsteads arrived. Coronation. Arabs abstained from flagging, however, Arabs and Jews seen walking arm in arm. Bergman appointed Cadet District Officer. Kirkman of Tell el-Duweir staying here. Frank E. Braum of Dura-Europos called.
May 13.
I took Braum and Olmsteads to Amman.
May 20
Reception for Olmsteads.
May 21
Olmsteads left for T.J. Trip with Ylias and our Dodge station-wagon.
May 25
University Women’s Association met and had tea as usual in Director’s House. Lectured on radio about Copper Mines of King Solomon [sic].
May 30
Sunday night- Olmsteads returned.
Helen and I were at H.E for dinner.
June 2
Very cool weather. Second reception for Olmsteads. Guy in behalf of British School of Archeology presented us with Vol. 1 and 2 of Aschuir für Kailochuiptforscheng and also “The Syrian Goddess” by Strong and Garstang.
June 9
Garden party at high commisioner’s for official birthday of the king.
June 14
Third reception for Olmsteads.
June 17
Left for TJ with Schweig and Ylias.
June 27
Returned from TJ. Outside fence being painted, and rooms in dormitory and Annual Professor house. Toilets in School and servants’ quarters being changed. The city water supply has been cut off because I had refused to pay an exorbitant bill. It is now payed.
July 5
City waterworks workmen disconnected the test- water meter in garret without reconnecting pipes despite my insistence to the workmen who said their business only to disconnect the test meter and not to reconnect the pipes.
July 6
Rube Fink and his wife for dinner.
July 7
A mass of water flowing through the unconnected pipes flooded our garret and hallways at 6:45 A.M. The city had left the pipes unconnected, but had turned on the water, nevertheless. I phoned Mr. Leibovitch, the director of Water Supply. At 9:10 A.M. a city workman came and repaired the pipes after I had called up the head water-engineer about 8 A.M. I have phoned again at 9:50 A.M. to the chief water engineer saying it was all right to mend the pipes, but I wanted an inspector to come and see the damage done. He assured me an inspector would be sent this morning. At 10:30 A.M. Mr. Jamil, Tel. 1312, the inspector, came and said the damage done would have to be paid for by the workman who left the pipes open [sic]. I had to say then that I would have to let the charges against the city drop.
July 8.
Report of the Royal Commission summarized over the radio last night. Country is to be partitioned. Thus far the country is quiet.
Helen and Billy and Janet Marx went to Syria. Ylias driving the Dodge. Charles and Avis Shechman of Glanese came here for supper.
Mila and Jack Meyer called and were here for lunch. Eric and Ann Lowenthal called and were here for supper. Helen and the girls came back from Syria.
July 16
David Mognes stayed overnight.
July 17
Were at Pennink’s house last night.
Robertson, who was at the school with me in 1927-8 was here for dinner this noon. Helen is giving a party for 28 people tonight.
July 19
Rabbi Feinberg of Cincinnati called this morning. The summer institute arrived, 21 peoople. We are accommodating them in the school.
July 20
I gave my first lecture this morning. In addition to the regular members of the summer school, there are five at the house, making the summer-school total 26. Lectured to A. David A. Robisson’s group at that Hotel.
July 21-22
Sir Flinders Petrie gave two lectures to the summer institute.
July 23
I lectured to the summer-school.
July 25
Dr. Leo Kohn, political secretary of the Jewish Agency lectured to the summer school on Zionism.
July 31
Went to TJ with Ylias, met Ali Abn Ghosh at Madeba [?].
August 9
Returned from T.J. A man-hole has been made for the new metre. Biangle is repairing the roof.
August 11
Emile A. Ghory, secretary of the Arab National Party, addressed the Summer School at 8:30 P.M. regarding the Arab national point of view.
August 17
Summer School left for Egypt. 5 of its members left 2 days ago. Helen and I went to Jonathan Magnes’ wedding to Chava Danziger in Tel Aviv.
Helen and I leaving for Cyprus.
[Helen and I] returned from [Cyrus]
September 2
Left for T.J. with Ylias
September 6
Returned Sept. 6.
September 7
Left for T.J.
September 12
Returned for dinner.
September 16
Dr. Schmidt called and took many of his sherds to Shiloh.
September 17
Mr. Patten arrived last night in time for dinner.
Helen, Mr. Patten and I, among others, at the American Consulate General, for dinner to meet a Mr. Woolbert, near-East editor for Foreign Affairs.
September 20
I took Patten and Fisher to Amman.
September 21
Mr. and Mrs. Bevan and daughter left. Harding came in and is spending the night with us.
September 22
Mr. Patten gave me $250 for Kh. Et-Tannur. Harding left for T.J.
September 23
Patten left for Egypt. I went to bed with tonsilitis.
September 25
Mr. Steinbeck arrived for lunch.
September 26
McCaslands and 2 children arrived for lunch; Andrews murdered at Nazareth together with his body-guard, McCowan.
September 27
I am still in bed with tonsilitis.
September 30
Two Brothers fellows and wife arrived. I am still in bed.
October 1
Recuperating. Telephone service broken off this morning by goret. A number of Arab leaders of the Mufti’s party have been arrested and deported.
October 2
Arab shops in the Suq closed from 1 P.M. on today. Hope it isn’t the beginning of another strike and period of troubles.
October 3
Illife arrived at dinner time, and is staying with us during October.
October 4
Had first class of new academic year.
October 8
School went to Mosque of Asmar.
October 9
Tea for McCaslands. Prof. Morris of M.I.T. present.
October 12
Archeology Advisory Board meting to give permit to Miss M. Murray for Aijgul [?]. It had not met service Oct. 16, 1933. Mr. Labes, the student from Harvard, reported dinner at Jacobs.
October 13
School trip to Hebron, Beersheba, Gaza, Ascalon, Mejdel, Jerusalem.
October 14
Curfew declared at 6:00 P.M.
October 15
Curfew declared at 6:00 P.M.
October 16
It is really raining for the first time this year. Gave a second tea for the McCaslands. We have been having a bout of diarrhea. Mr. Reed, Mr. McCasland and his son have been attacked. We have had to postpone our trip to Syria.
October 18
Mr. Ballaby, architect for Mr. Guy cam here to stay yesterday noon. [missing corner of entry] drawing. Oct.20-went to TJ; returned Oct. 25.
October 27
Left for trip to Athlit, Wadi Mughara, Haifa, Beirut, Baalbek, Damascus, Capernaum, with School.
November 1
Returned from Syria. Torrential rains experienced on road from Baalbek to Damascus; and in Tiberias. The School is full. Kirkman is back again; and 4 other people, Dr. and Mrs. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Gross are here for a month. It has been raining hard in Jerusalem for about 4 days. The rain this year has come early. The furnace was inspected and put into operating several days ago. The drains outside of the basement have been repaired, and the water no longer collects and overflows in the basement. Illife who has been here for a month and living in our house, returned to his own house. The dormitory is so full, the Kirkman of the Tell Duweir expedition, is sleeping over in the Director’s house.
November 2
We had a dinner in our house last night. The guests included Edwin and Hadassah Samuel, Illiffes, and Pemminks.
November 3
Dr. Fisher took the School to the Museum for the second time.
November 4
Pape due to arrive today. He is also to stay in our house. Dr. E. McKay here. Our Tannur finds displayed at Amman from middle of October to end of November.
November 7-8
School trip to Jerash, Amman, Rujm Moelfuf, Jericho, Dead Sea.
November 11
Curfew imposed again, – this time from 5 P.M. on.
November 14
Breakfast with the Linda.
November 16
University Women’s Association meeting cancelled because of curfew.
November 18-19
Father Koeppels called.
November 21
Jacob Gross, Jr., gave $20 to be used as I see fit.
November 25
American church service with Dr. W. Smith preaching. Tea at Vesters. Dinner at Vitales.
November 27
Sent Ylias and Steinbeck to Amman with supplies.
November 28
Ylias left for Amman to his truck and bring supplies to Kh. Tannur.
November 29
Left with Steinbeck, McCasland and Reed for Amman.
November 30
Arrived Kh. Tannur.
December 12
Returned to Jerusalem. Helen has fixed up student’s living room beautifully. Library being winter-cleaned. Workroom downstairs has been cleaned up. SPOS journals have been taken to Museum. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Bowman of the Oriental Institute of the U. of Chicago is staying here.
December 13
Mr. Erik Sjöquist, F.L., Östermalsgatan 52, Stockholm, of Gjerstadt’s Cyprus expedition called today.
December 15
Mr. Sjöquist is staying at the School.
Reeds and Bowman went to Petra. [ Reeds and Bowmn went to ]Hardwin[?]. [Reeds and Bowmand] and Sjöquist went to Tell Duweir and Beit Jebrin. Steinbeck and McCasland went to Galilee.
December 24
Starkey called.
December 25
Big Xmas dinner for the members of the School. In the evening, had a Xmas party for the members of the School at our house.
December 26
Sheikh Jacob Boukhari and son here for tea; Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Braidwood, from Tell Tairat expedition of Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago; Mr. Carl Haynes of Persepolis dig also here.
December 27
Tea for Dr. and Mrs. R. Bowman among guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of the Secretariat Dr. Meyer; Mr. Ari Yonah; Dr. Mackay.
December 29
Lectured to Jewish Palestine Exploration Society on the Arabah.
December 30
At H.E.’s for dinner. He had visited Kh. Tannur a few days previously. Wants to see my exhibition of Tannur objects which I’m planning to arrange in late January.
December 31
We gave a big New-Year’s Eve party. Mr. Schlumberger was here for lunch, and arrived during the afternoon.
PES at Dominicans. The Nebo Excavations in 1937 by R. P. Sylvester Saller, O.F.D. Some martial law went into affect today. Military courts will try offenders. Curfew is still on, but from 9:30 P.M. to 5 A.M. instead of 5 P.M. to 5 A.M.