W (1936 – 1970)

…for a short period. The rest of my family gathered here in Hamberg over New Year. [?] married [?] is going out to [?] at the end of this month, with her husband and son. He is a doctor and has been appointed G. the Naharadja of Judore as director…

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S (1929 – 1953)

…an invention, or, at best, grossly exaggerated. But you and I need no further proof. What should we say, we whose [ninemost] selves (?) (?) in half-alien Egypt but in our very, very own (?)? We understand we [muse] and for a happy hour or two we dream that we…

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K (1931 – 1948)

…this problem. Were sulphide ores used and if so, what kinds of sulphide ores and was much of the [?] of [?] sulphide ores? What percentage of the town was used for cooper working and what for [?]? Those [?] look as if they would give too high and oxygen…

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EXPLORE BY MONTH September | October —1952— —September— Sept. 30, 1952 [incompletely entry] the flight from Idlewild, the only indication that this flight was to be over the ocean was the little lecture given by the male steward about the location of the life-saving to bet [sic] on incase the

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…and [entry incomplete] RAMTHA – about 18-20,000 inhabitants. (with Rashid Hamid of I[?] and Ahmed Atiyeh, chauffeur of Assemar) a large [?] sprawled on and about some hillocks in midst of wide, fairly fertile plains. Ez. Ed-Dis, the director of customs here is going with me. Dependent on agriculture. El-QESEIR…

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…fairly large, remains of walls around depressors, which had been artificially deepened. More in use today. line not clear. [Greek script] [Greek script] [Greek script] [Greek script] [Greek script] [Greek script] [Greek script] [Greek script] about 1.5 meters long by opened sepulcher [?]. Right Side: The sherds found here and…

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B (1932 – 1945)

…1932 Dear Dr. Glueck, I have received a copy of your letter of Nov. 10th to Prof. Montgomery, and I want to send you [?] a line of congratulation and appreciation of the way in which you are [?] things at Jerusalem. That Shilo [?] are pretty disagreeable. You may…

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G (1938 – 1964)

…ruined form?] as far north as Ma’an,; p. 113, l.9: heyday; p.18, 1 7-8: menhir [no italics]; p. 127, l. 28: Sakhr; pp. 130, 133, 142, 144; glacis [no cedilla]; p. 139, l. 15: commas around phrase “but not completely accurate”; p. 143, l. 2 from bottom: Uyun, better ’Uyun;…

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H (1932 – 1943)

…Birbash was used for maneuvers- based on [Leggun]. [Mesitbeh] would have been based on [?] we have sent the stuff to Italy and are in communication with other Scholars to find out whether those have survived in Africa or other outposts of the Roman Empire. I am at the moment…

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