I (1936 – 1946)

…he knows so well. Harding is at Ammon; he [?] have recently been on a [?] a Wadi N. of Hausa (e. of Jaffa, on the way to Kilwa) and found some curious round structures of balal, [?] very large and stuck in the ground on edge with Mousterian or…

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R (1938 – 1963)

…brought the mines into history in this sense. After reading your [?], I was still more puzzled. Why this peculiar attitude toward the [?] in your area, the one who introduced you to the subject and initially taught you what to look for? Had Glueck done something to you to…

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…granted, nor the Royal Commission come to Palestine, until all violence has ceased. Had tea at Barbour’s house this afternoon. Miss Nixon and the younger of the two Barsonki’s was there. Barbour is now the editor of the JPOS [Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society], and seems to be quite…

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…Persson, Archeological Institute of the University of Upsala, called. February 21 Miss Putnam [?] read excellent paper on Prehistoric Discoveries in Palestine. February 25 Palestine Oriental Society met here again. February 28 Kh-et-Tannur (see main notes on Kh.et-Tannur.) [sic]. —March— March 12 Returned from Khirbet et-Tannur [sic] Mr. and Mrs….

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J (1934 – 1947)

…in New Brunswick on Sunday morning, and we have to go down there tomorrow’s office lunch. We were with the Chaplain after the Service on Sunday, but except he catch the 1:47 train from there, which [?] in to Penn Station at 2:45, and we ought to be come by…

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the way was Mrs. Zeev Sharef, the wife of the Minister of Commerce, a most charming and intelligent woman, with whom I had a very enjoyable conversation. To mention all the other people I talked to during and after dinner would compile a list of names of an unusual group…

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…archaeological excavations directed by Glueck, the Khirbet et Tannur Excavation Records and the Tell el-Kheleifeh Excavation Records. Finding aids, complete folders lists, and digitized materials for these collections can be found online at ASOR’s digital archive. Nelson Glueck Papers Nelson Glueck Photograph Collection Khirbet et Tannur Excavation Records Tell el-Kheleifeh…

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C (1929 – 1966)

…[?] a selection for to C-[?] [text indiscernible] Yours truly, J.W. Crowfoot 1939 CINCINNATI INSTITUTE OF FINE ARTS Dec 26, 1939 Dr. Nelson Glueck c/o Dr. Samuel Iglauer 162 Glenmary Avenue Clifton Cincinnati, Ohio Dear Dr. Glueck: It is with very great pleasure that I have to advise you that…

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them. We are camped tonight in a little wadi, about half-way between Ain{?] Jaiyech[?] and the and the Jabal[?] Harum[?] Ifdam[?], in which I had previously found some of Solomon’s copper mines. We did a march of 8 hours today, not counting times out for lunch, and covered about 40…

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V (1947)

…Yeshuo which generally speaking connects this feeling of Arab commands and [?] of ten Jews (ten others [?] and some of whom will be hung) as useless. They say that they have done more to cement Arab Jewish [?] Ship than any other act in the last 30 years. The

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